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Home > How to Test Your Wi-Fi Speed on Mobile

How to Test Your Wi-Fi Speed on Mobile

    Don't let slowness stop you from enjoying the best of the internet. Read this complete guide and enjoy a high-speed connection wherever you are!”

    The speed of the Wi-Fi connection is an important concern for smartphone users, as it directly affects the quality of their online activities. Testing your Wi-Fi speed on your mobile phone is a simple way to ensure you are getting optimal performance from your network. In this article, we are going to present a step-by-step guide on how to perform this check using the “Speedtest” application.

     Check Wi-Fi Speed on Mobile

    Before we get into the testing process, it's essential to understand why checking Wi-Fi speed on mobile is so relevant:
    Optimized performance: By regularly checking the speed, you can ensure that your connection meets your daily needs. If it is slow, this could indicate potential connectivity issues that can be resolved.
    Identify problems: Running speed tests can help identify network bottlenecks such as faulty routers or areas with poor signal coverage.

    Make informed decisions: If you're considering switching ISPs or upgrading your router, speed test results will be key to making more informed decisions.
    Compare with contract: Checking the actual Wi-Fi speed allows you to compare it to the speed contracted on your internet plan, ensuring you are getting what you pay for.

    How to Check Wi-Fi Speed on Your Mobile Phone

    Step 1: Download the Speedtest App
    Go to the app store on your Android or iOS device (app store or Google Play).
    Look for the “Speedtest” application, developed by Ookla.
    Download and install the app on your smartphone.
    Step 2: Open the Speedtest App
    Locate the Speedtest icon among installed applications and open it.

    Step 3: Start the Speed Test
    When you open the app, you will find a big, round button with the option to “Start Test” or “Go”.
    Click this button to start the speed test.
    Step 4: Wait for the Test
    The app will start measuring the download, upload and latency speed of your Wi-Fi connection.
    Wait until the test completes.

    Step 5: Check the Results
    After the test is finished, you will see the results displayed on the screen.
    Key values include download speed (in Mbps), upload speed (also in Mbps), and latency (in milliseconds).
    You will also be able to view a graph showing the variation in download and upload speed during the test.
    Step 6: Interpret the Results
    Download speed represents the rate at which data is downloaded to your device. The bigger the better, especially for streaming and fast downloads.
    Upload speed is the rate at which data is uploaded from your device. This is important for uploading files or sending information to the internet.
    Latency is the response time of your connection, measured in milliseconds (ms). The smaller the better. Low latency is crucial for online gaming and video calling.
    Step 7: Repeat Test
    For more accurate results, it is recommended to repeat the test several times, especially at different times of the day.
    This can help identify fluctuations in speed caused by spikes in usage on your network or ISP.


    Checking your Wi-Fi speed on mobile is a simple task that gives you valuable information about the quality of your connection. With the application "Speed test” and a few minutes of your time, you can ensure that you are getting the best possible performance from your Wi-Fi network. If the results point to speed issues, consider contacting your ISP or checking your home network for interference that can be resolved. A fast and stable Wi-Fi connection will allow you to take full advantage of all the online functionality of your mobile device.
